Todo lo que un nadador novato necesita en su bolsa de equipo

Como principiante en el mundo de la natación, puede resultar difícil obtener respuestas a todas tus preguntas. Nadar es relativamente sencillo, no necesitas mucho para empezar. Solo tienes que coger un traje de baño, unas gafas y darte un chapuzón.

With that being said, there are still an abundance of different pieces of equipment and gear which can help you progress much more quickly as a swimmer. Here are the basics on what every swimmer should have in their gear bag. 

Par de gafas de calidad

Unless you're a fish, you’ll most likely need a pair of goggles to help you see through the water and prevent eye damage. It’s important to pick a pair of goggles that fit you right. Leaks and bruises on your face are the last thing you want as a swimmer. No matter the duration and intensity of your workouts, you’ll want your goggles to be comfortable around your eyes. ¡Descubre nuestras gafas personalizadas!

Gorro de baño

Algo que muchos nadadores suelen pasar por alto es la importancia del gorro de baño. Un gorro de baño elimina la resistencia que produce el cabello. En la natación, cuanto menos resistencia produzcas, más rápido te moverás. Los gorros son fundamentales para todos los nadadores de todos los niveles, sin importar cuánto cabello tengas. Si aún no nadas con gorro, prueba uno y verás lo fácil que te resulta moverte por el agua.

Tabla de patinar

As a novice swimmer, it’s very important to develop strong, powerful legs. Having a reliable kick behind your strokes is very crucial for overall development of Los 4 estilos de natación. Using a kickboard will allow you to isolate the legs and focus solely on your kicking. Any size board is sufficient, although I would recommend starting with a larger, more buoyant kickboard until your kick becomes stronger over time. 


Not only does wearing fins make your workout much more fun, they also provide swimmers at all levels with very tangible benefits. Las aletas te ayudarán a moverte sin esfuerzo por el agua., allowing you to focus on things like technique and performance. They can also be useful in developing the underwater dolphin kick. Your ankle flexibility will also be improved after using fins for an extended period of time. Make sure to pick up a pair of fins which fit you well and won’t slip off in the water. 

It’s important to build the proper foundation in your technique and your habits early in your swimming career. Having the right gear in your bag will have a very large positive impact on the progress you make in your swimming. 

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